Wednesday, August 18, 2010

ramzan the holy month..

days of sprituality and holy faith..!!!i miss my grandmother,who passed away last december..she taught me how to pray,observe fast....steadfast faith was her hallmark...ramzan also evokes nostalgic childhood at paingamadom,the tharaveeh days,midnight kitchen raids,shopping at zakaria bazar....mehndi,crackers,biriyani....having friends at home that life has changed!!!i am independent,make money,but nothing can give me back the happiness of kids can never the kind of childhood i had been blessed with..will they ever know what they missed?...

1 comment:

  1. May The Almighty forgive your grandmother's sins and give a better place in Paradise..

    You didn't get the enjoyment of your parent's childhood...did you ever imagine about their happiness in their childhood...and what will your kids will say to their kids about their childhood...?
    The enjoyment is subjective...your childhood was sweet compared to this time...You will realise one day that the time you are spending now are too sweet compared to that coming moments...

    So maximum utilise your time...because time is life..wasting time is wasting life..

    Just be ready to get back the result of your deeds in this world..

    Wake up and try to know about your creator in proper way and obey him in the way he prescribed

    May The most gracious includes us with the people getting their records in their right hands...
